Anatomy Sketches
In my free time in 2021 I was deeply involved in drawing anatomy. And I’d like to show you the results.
When I want to dig into a theme, I prefer attending courses. The courses have some advantages:
You can find something new in drawing things you are accustomed to, and add it to your arsenal.
Curator’s feedback allows you to see possible mistakes which you haven’t noticed before.
Schedule which helps draw systematically and without interruptions. I am personally quite a self-disciplined person, and I can train and manage the schedule by myself so this option is secondary for me. But I know it is important for many. 😅
So I entered the courses of anatomy at the SkillsUp school.
It all began with drawing bones. The main parts are the pelvis and ribs.
Then there were skeletons, in simplified form, to understand body mass.
After that we slid into drawing muscles of separate body parts.
Finally we integrated all of it into a whole.
There were lots of sketches, fast and time-consuming ones. Also, there were experiments with mass and character types.
As I love stylization, I decided to stylize some of them. I even quickly made a comic-style illustration out of this sketch.
And drew this dancer.
This was the end of the course, and I decided to attend the second one. Next time I’ll tell you what and how I was doing on it.