Pokemon series

Sometimes I use cultural phenomena as a base for my art. I can take something that I like myself such as movies, cartoons, or series I watched in my childhood, or I am fond of now. I can’t say I am fully into fan art, it is not my main field, but I get inspired when drawing something like that. Also, it is a great opportunity to train my skills and dig into unusual aesthetics.

So, one day I decided to draw Pokemons as they are visually interesting, and it seemed to be a challenging task to make them in my style. You can find a lot of fan-art Pokemons on the web, and it is not without reason: each Pokemon has its memorable features, and they give a lot of space for creativity and experiments.


My first Pokemon was Bulbasaur – I liked his character in general, the drawing process was fun, so I continued creating the series.

Now there are 9 of them: Vaporeon, Pikachu, Charmander, Doduo, Golbat, Bulbasaur, Nidoran, Wartortle and Mewtwo.

As you can see, I used a limited color scheme here, and worked on shapes and postures to make them vivid.

I can’t tell if I am going to enlarge this collection as there are too many of Pokemons. I am thinking of modeling some of them in 3D one day.


Me, me and me


Flowers for Wilson